Employee connection affects engagement, empowerment, inclusion, psychological safety, retention, turnover, sales, productivity, management, customer satisfaction, and financial performance – in a nutshell – everything. Bringing out the best in them – what Mike Flentje would term getting “maximum discretionary effort” – is a leader’s highest and best use.

Please watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares his thoughts on how to better foster an employee friendly environment. We’d love to hear what you’re doing to stay connected to your employees. Please share with us in the comments.

Prepare your high-potential NextGen leaders for the challenges of running a construction business. Enroll them in FBI’s one-of-a-kind leadership program The Contractor Business Boot Camp. A new class is scheduled for Raleigh on Feb 9-10, 2023. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more.