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Karen McKee


Karen McKee was FBI’s first employee after its founding. She has filled pretty much every role in the company as it has evolved; currently she is the 1×1 project coordinator and assists with branding and organization of materials for The Contractor Business Boot Camp, public speaking appearances, webinars, and client presentations and communications.

She grew up in a Marine Corps family and has lived in a variety of places. After college at the University of Mt. Olive where she excelled at three varsity sports, she married and settled in Raleigh. Karen loves spending time with family and friends, playing lots of tennis, and visiting the beach.

Recent Posts

10 Things I Learned Over My Business Career

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Goal Achievement and Unanticipated Consequences

We’ve been saying for years that goal setting for your business is critical to your long term success. Because he is an authentic example, Dennis set a very specific goal in 2023: to become the #1 tennis player in the USA in his age group. That’s a BHAG: a big, hairy,...

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One Key to Inspiring Employee Loyalty

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