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Doug McCright has an extensive business background. He grew up on his family’s farm in Iowa, graduated from Southern Illinois Magna Cum Laude, and embarked on a career in agribusiness. He has experience in construction, agribusiness, the food sector, franchising and other industries. He is a veteran of five new business startups including one where, as the first employee and CEO, he took the company from start-up to $240 million in sales and nearly 1,000 employees in just three years. His experiences have led him through General Manager, Vice President, COO, CFO, President, and CEO responsibilities. He is an expert in rapid growth, operations management, strategic planning, business plan execution, budgeting, finance, “getting the right people on the bus,” and developing management teams.

Doug is a Harvard MBA, participates in long distance races including ultra-marathons, and is married with three grown children and one grandchild.

Recent Posts

10 Things I Learned Over My Business Career

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Goal Achievement and Unanticipated Consequences

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One Key to Inspiring Employee Loyalty

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