At a dinner we attended over two years ago, Dennis made the comment, “IT is the way of the future.” My wife Lisa challenged that. She said, “IT is the way of the present. The question is how do we integrate the interpersonal into the digital age?” I suppose I could argue on either side, but it does make for a stirring debate, doesn’t it?

Check out this week’s vlog where Wayne analyzes some of the pros and cons of digital communications and makes the case that face-to-face interactions are still the best way to reach people’s hearts and minds. It’s inarguable that digital communications have made some things better and lots of things easier. Where do you come down? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

The next Contractor Business Boot Camp class will be in Raleigh Feb. 9-10, 2023. Don’t get left out! Contact Charlotte now at and get on the roster before the class is full!