End of Year Wisdom from Brian Tracy

Let’s take a ride on Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine (any audience members remember Mr. Peabody?) and go back to those great, inspirational, indispensable thought leaders from the ‘80s and ‘90s. Zig Zigler, Dennis Waitley, and, in this case, Brian Tracy were...

What’s the Best Talent Magnet?

Claudio Fernandez wrote in The Harvard Business Review about a transformative work experience. His story illuminates what just might be the most magnetic tool available to contractors to differentiate them and make them “sticky” to their talented employees. First,...

Spring Cleaning And a Life Lesson

Wayne and his wife Lisa were cleaning up a boat together this spring, and she offered a labor-saving idea which Wayne rejected out of hand. No, this isn’t a soap opera story of a marital dispute, but it does beg the question: What does cleaning a boat on a sunny,...

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” We are sincerely grateful for your partnership and humbled by the trust you’ve shown in us. We wish you a wonderful and safe...